AMG Horses

We are a team of experienced professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your equestrian goals.

About Us

We offer a wide range of services, including horse sales, problem-solving, development of dressage horses and horse breeding. We also offer a variety of educational programs and clinics designed to help our clients learn more about horses and horsemanship.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality horse training and development services available. We are confident that we can help you achieve your equestrian goals.

Amg horses

“Working with horses requires a mindset of patience, trust, and empathy. Horses are highly intuitive animals, and building a strong bond with them depends on clear communication and mutual respect. Developing a calm and focused approach helps create a positive environment for learning and cooperation. By being consistent and mindful, you foster a partnership where the horse feels safe and confident, allowing for better understanding and teamwork. “

Adrian Megias Garcia

Owner of AMG Horses

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